Data Highway vision






  • Painted Electronic Sculpture Electronic Art
  • Created  1994


Data Highway is the complete Vision of personal Internet access in the mobile computing. There are few of elements, which can be recognized immediately on this Sculpture. First what we can see is the mobile Laptop-form of the Sculpture, the Roof on the upper left side represents the Home, the pennies flow in the middle is the cost of surfing and on the top right is the connection to the Internet. Because of its Laptop form, it can be taken everywhere and stay connected to the Web. It is easy like 3, 2, 1 GO! (Locate this numbers!). The Disc represents the whole Internet database, which is just a few clicks away. In the Center of the Sculpture we can recognize the User while surfing. The Internet Traffic is represented with the Car getting on the Route, (Bottom). Only the existing shapes are being painted and Sculpture like this one is not possible with any different parts. In other words, the “Internet forms” on the parts are recognized in the Time when the Data-Highway was still far away for the mayor part of population, like the Artist itself!

  • Dimensions: 12” x 10” x 12”, Standing on the flat Surface
  • Used materials: Computer parts, acrylic Color  




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